Saturday, September 16, 2006

Welcome, new visitors: A thank you post

So on Thursday my post on ridiculous Republican activity drew the notice of both State 29 and Political Forecast, driving up my hits a bit.

Then, TPM Muckraker and The Huffington Post both picked up on this post about the Economic Freedom Fund and their work hatcheting Leonard Boswell polling for Jeff Lamberti.

As a result, I set an all time high for hits on in a day Thursday by more than 60, and broke the previous record again yesterday. So if you're a new visitor, and the odds are about 1-in-3 that you are, welcome. This is where I rant about politicians, work to promote issues and sometimes just kinda ramble about pro wrestling. I hope you'll check back from time to time, I usually post 2-5 times daily on weekdays.

Also, it got dropped into the Saturday paper so perhaps no one will read it, but Ed Fallon has a letter in the Register today about the changing face of economic development in Newton and Centerville. In a related note, the Rubbermaid plant in Centerville closed for good this week.


1 comment:

Bob said...

You're Welcome.
BTW, bobagain is back up and running.

No pun intended.