Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Two columns worth reading:

Yesterday, Valley Junction gave out the Porkies, but I failed to notice that Todd Dorman announced the nominees for an equally important award, the Apathies:

With just two weeks left before Election Day, it's time to announce the nominees for the Apathies --- a coveted trophy intended to reward the best in political advertising and message craft.

The Apathies will be presented at a gala event on the Saturday after the election, unless no one cares enough to show up. Here are your nominees.

Go read it. Laugh. Then cry.

Brian Cooper of the Dubuque Telegraph Herald also wrote a great editorial today about election season that shows how hyperpartisanship has shaped our debate:

One thing has changed, at least in my observation, over the past three decades. It’s unfortunate that people seem less willing to accept that folks who hold a different opinion are not automatically bad, evil or stupid.

Democracy is about discussion, debate and decisions. Thoughtful people should be able to disagree without demonizing the other side. But it seems that people are less willing to believe that.

Take heart: Two weeks from Tuesday, Election 2006 will be history.

Click here to read it in the TH (free membership required) or here to read it on his blog (no membership required).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What Brian Cooper said is so very true, and sad. As long as we think that the other side is always wrong and they are evil at heart, the mindless polarization will not get any better. After 8 years of Clinton and 6 years of Bush, it’s hard to see a way out of this vicious cycle. I’m afraid the only way to overcome this problem is for one politician to rise above the fray, capture the presidency and govern as a true uniter.