Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tidbits from Radio Iowa:

Three interesting news stories on the Radio Iowa website this afternoon:

I guess this one isn't really news, but it's worth reading: U of I students will be forced to work more and take bigger loans to cover tuition increases. In a related but somehow unreported story, upon graduation those same students will likely leave the state for better paying jobs in bigger cities to help pay off their loans.

Despite the Iowa Department of Economic Development's rosy outlook on their own performance, Manpower Inc's studies show that Iowa's job market is about to take a downturn. The worst news is in Ottumwa, where almost 1 in 4 employers expect to downsize in the first quarter of 2007. Quick, we need more taxpayer financed corporate handouts!

About 6 weeks after I called for Michael Gartner's resignation, Senator Joe Bolkcom (D-Iowa City) has done me one better eight better. He's calling for the resignation of the whole Board.


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