Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What is that?

This post is rated E for Everyone.

As some/most of you know, my Yahoo mail has a problem. Y'know those virus links you get from people over IM sometimes cause people are dumb and don't use Trillian? Yeah, I clicked on one. Wasn't thinking. So some asshole got my Yahoo username/password, and had control over my account for a week or so. I busted back in, changed the password, but one remnant of that era remains. My e-mail is still in traditional Chinese. As such, I also still have traditional Chinese ads.

That's where the picture up above comes in. It's a Domino's Pizza ad from China. Apparently Domino's in China is also an excellent source of fried chicken and tater tot lookin things. But more intriguing to me is this: What the hell is on that pizza?

I've magnified it several times now, and I see shrimp. That's not that weird...I guess. The red things and the green things are open to interpretation. Any guesses?


1 comment:

Kyle Lobner said...

I'm not familiar with Gaim, cause I also talk to people over Yahoo and MSN, so Trillian works better for me.

btw - Babelfish finally helped me save my e-mail.