Sunday, April 17, 2005

Ok, another All New One Act Play by KL Snow!

This one is titled "Not the Best Way to Handle This Situation, Volume 2"

Situation: KL is at the Media Center, has been for 2 1/2 hours, and has only heard footsteps in the hallway one time. In the meantime, the Braves and Phillies are tied 0-0, in the bottom of the ninth inning. Three attempts to watch the game online via different means have failed. The following events ensue.

KL checks the score one last time, finds it is now the top of the 10th.
KL shuts down the computer, locks the doors, and leaves.
KL attempts to call Ryan for some interim play-by-play, no luck.
KL reaches in his pocket, finds the keys and puts them in the mailbox.
KL walks the full length of FAC, and down a flight of stairs.
While walking, KL talks to himself, wondering who else he can call for play by play. KL turns a corner and nearly runs over a frightened looking girl.
KL reaches in his pocket for his car keys, finds the media center keys.
KL returns to the mailbox, retrieves his car keys, replaces media center keys.
KL walks the full length of FAC again.
KL drives home, and finds the Braves scored while he was gone.
KL curses loudly.

Phillies scored 2 in the bottom of the 10th to win it 2-1, at least I got to see that.

This has been KL Snow.

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