Ok, here's a blog game for you all to play, on my blog, therefore making me feel popular and driving my self-esteem through the roof while you all think I'm witty and clever.
Ok, that's a best case scenario. Probably not really going to happen. Maybe I should've changed that first sentence to "Here's some shit to do if you really care to blow the time on it."
We've all seen the game on other people's blogs, post your name and the blog author will write their honest feelings about you. I'm not into feelings, and I certainly don't need everyone on Earth knowing what I honestly think about them. But I will play a similar game.
Post your name, height and weight (lie about the weight if you have to), and I'll write your scouting report. I'll be honest and truthful in some of it, perhaps downright flattering in some of it, and perhaps utterly ridiculous in most of it. It'll give you something do for a little while, y'know, if you're bored.
Post away.
This has been, and presumably will continue to be, KL Snow.
MrPoush, 6'0", 220 lbs.
Laura, 5'4 3/4" 169
Matthew "Mr." Poush is a former First-Team All Help Desk member, where his helpfulness and insane musical knowledge earned him many accolades. His 40 yard dash time may be slowed a bit by procrastination, but his reliability and wit are both proven by his dedication to IEatPaint.com, the web's finest source of humor, quirky AIM Icons and Action Shot Readers.
Tara, 5' 8", 136
Laura Elizabeth "Legs" Gurnee is by far the cutest female currently living at 2925 Brattleboro. Past accomplishments include not killing her boyfriend for the plethora of stupid, silly, strange or simply weird things he does on a regular basis. Lack of original humor more than made up for by volume of inside jokes possessed. All in all, Laura may not make my life easier, but having her around makes my life better.
Cute is an understatement for Tara "Tigerlily" Losee, but I'm going to have to stick with that because her boyfriend knows where I sleep, and could bring me down with gossip without leaving his desk chair. An excellent writer, friend and caretaker of Shadow and Zoe, Tara is a future All Star in whichever career she decides to enter, and would be irreplacable in my circle of friends.
Gecko 7'11" 785lbs.
Ryan "Zapho" Haasl, aka Gecko has a definite height and weight problem, or at least a problem truthfully listing his height and weight. His 40 yard dash time increased dramatically when Halo 2 was placed just beyond the finish line. Possibly the closest thing to a mirror image of KL Snow, with hair. Crucial member of the Gossip Circle Team, but is also frequently victimized by the same group. Draft status may fall upon allegations of Republican voting.
Emeric "Massive Forearms" Dwyer, standing 6'2" and weighing 240 pounds.
Emeric "Mastiff Forearms" Dwyer, struggled a bit with the drill where one submits their name and I create the nickname. However, his draft status will presumably still be high, as Dwyer is easygoing, reliable, and indispensable in couch-carrying operations. He also doesn't drop Goldford classes, like I do. He writes a sometimes humorous blog at http://www.livejournal.com/users/brotherwilli, and has never once confused me with a heap of sauerkraut.
Tim, 6'4", 180
Tim "The Remedy" Ryder is tall, sometimes frighteningly so. Witty and charismatic, Tim will be a good pick for any team in the Chicagoland area, and would be a good pick for anyone in any area if he changed his travel plans. A party isn't a party without the tangy zip of Tim Ryder.
David is a bit of an unknown. I have heard rumors of his Halo and drinking prowess, but my most lasting memory of his work is him vomiting in the trash at Zapho's party. Further scouting is needed.
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